Frequently Asked Questions
We’re Here to Help
Quickly find out whether we have already addressed any questions that may be on your mind. We welcome all inquiries on matters big or small. If there is something that is on your mind that we might not have covered, please get in touch with us today! Endpoint Technology Solutions is here to help you with all your technology needs.
What Kind of Solutions Do You Provide?
EndPoint Technology Solutions (EndPointTS) brings to the market over 20 years of various industry experience to provide a unique blend of skills that can tailor solutions for you and your business. Area's of specialization is in the hardware we use day to day, Personal Computer, Portable Devices, scaling all the way to specialized computer hardware for data mining, Audio Visual experiences, and networks of all mixed media: CAT, WiFi using industry leading products that ensure uptime and security.
Why EndPoint Technology?
We are different! Ever felt like the IT people speak over your head? wanted to get help but then know how to manage your self, but a support company holds the keys to everything.
We don't do that, Knowledge is power! Endpoint Technology would rather assist & teach you where possible, so you are empowered by your technology, then we to help you with your next great idea!